Club Development
The YRFA bylaws require that there be a Club Development Committee but this committee has not existed in recent years. This committee’s role is to assist chartered clubs in growth and programing as well as developing new clubs around the state. I plan to put together the strongest leaders in the YRFA to ensure that our current clubs are thriving by meeting regularly, engaging in their communities, recruiting new members, hosting special events and fundraising. The YRFA should have clubs in at least 25 of Alabama’s 67 Counties. While chartering 17 new clubs in two years is a tall order, creating the tools necessary to build strong clubs is not. I will put together resources for current and new clubs, which will be passed down to future Young Republican leaders for years to come. My goal is to charter at least five new clubs during my first year as chairman.
I plan to implement new programing and trainings at our Executive Committee meetings as well as throughout the year remotely. Some of the new workshops, trainings, and events I plan to coordinate include:
- Starting a club 101
- Marketing your club
- 2nd Amendment history and current policy issues
- Seminars on event planning, fundraising, and social media engagement
- Policy and legislative engagement
- “How to Survive Getting Woke Jumped” and “How to Talk to a Liberal – Tactics & Strategy for Conversation without Starting a Fight”
- A Legislative Day – Spend the day at the State House
- Education and engagement on current policies
Meetings & Socials
I promise to give many weeks notice for upcoming meetings and special events. I want to ensure that all clubs are engaged with the State Young Republicans and are benefiting from our meetings. I will ensure that meetings during my term are informative, educational and fun. I want to ensure that camaraderie is built among Young Republicans all over the state. I believe to be the most effective organization possible, it starts with networking and good relationships.
The YRFA Executive Committee is required to meet twice a year. I will offer so much more than simply the business meeting and make these weekends educational and fun and encourage YRs around the state to attend. I plan to offer breakout sessions where people can choose between two to three trainings, seminars, or workshops to attend. YRFA should be giving clubs the tools to help grow their clubs, training to improve their club’s programming, and offer unique opportunities for leadership and personal development.
Election Deployment
The 2024 election cycle will be extremely important. I want to coordinate deployments in key races around the state. I believe that the funds Young Republicans work so hard to raise for the organization should be used to help compensate Young Republican’s hotels and gas for volunteering on campaigns. I also plan to do remote deployments with phone banking.
Positive Change
The YRFA needs a culture change and I plan to bring positive changes to this organization. The core mission of the Young Republicans is to help get Republicans elected and to recruit people to the party. I will lead with honesty, integrity, and transparency throughout my term. I will be open and honest about my goals, intentions, and actions as chair. Many Young Republicans will be leaders in the party and elected officials in the future, I want integrity to be a core principal in the future leaders of our state and communities.
We will have a strategic fundraising plan put into place and will utilize the Finance Committee to reach clearly set fundraising goals. I promise to be transparent about YRFA fundraising efforts as well as transparent about how the YRFA’s money is spent. YRFA funds should be used to benefit our members, to reimburse members for travel for campaign deployments, and to host events and meetings of the Federation.
Getting YRs on the Ballot
I look forward to helping get Young Republicans elected to their local county GOP, the State GOP Executive Committee, and as delegates to the 2024 Republican National Convention. I will ensure that clubs are informed about these election processes and am excited to recruit Young Republicans to leadership positions in the party.